elector|electors in English


[e'lec·tor || -tə]

voter, constituent, one who may elect

Use "elector|electors" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "elector|electors" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "elector|electors", or refer to the context using the word "elector|electors" in the English Dictionary.

1. George I: Elector and King.

2. One of the twenty-four Electors for the Burgomastership

3. The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.

4. Not all the registered electors actually voted.

5. The body of electors was more precisely defined when, in 1059, the College of Cardinals was designated the sole body of electors.

6. In December 1677, the elector of Brandenburg captured Stettin.

7. Electors; Non-Voting; Cardinal-Bishops; Cardinal-Priests; Cardinal-Deacons

8. I am a registered elector for a the geographical constituency.

9. • For a general election, in ridings where there are fewer electors than the national average, the Act adjusts the number of electors upward.

10. Since 1964, there have been 538 electors in each presidential election.

11. In 1742 Elector Charles Theodore began rebuilding the Palace.

12. He was the father of Frederick William, the "Great Elector".

13. 15 The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.

14. An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list.

15. A registered elector is entitled to subscribe only ONE nomination form.

16. 23 Many electors didn't vote today because of the bad weather.

17. In addition, the 20 regions of Italy appoint 58 representatives as special electors.

18. First, he travelled to Wrocław (Breslau), then Munich, where he met Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria.

19. As this summary description of the system implies, every elector has two votes.

20. The Runefangs were presented to the ruling Emperor who divided them between the Elector counts.

21. His homeward journey took him via Mainz, where he gave a concert before the elector.

22. The 5 km - long and 1 km - wide park was constructed in 1789 by Elector Karl Theodor.

23. The music-loving elector had immediately installed a substantial orchestra, which by 1777 numbered about 45 players.

24. Accessibility was indicated on the voter information card, sent to every registered elector.

25. 435 representatives, plus 100 senators, and 3 electors from the District of Columbia.